Rhododendron Tea
Rhododendron Tea clears your stomach and improves digestion.
It is helpful with "lung" (energy) disorders involving general weakness
of the body. It helps reduce fever and swelling of the abdomen due
to the indigestion of food, restore the natural balance after changes
in climate or water, and relieve numbness of the extremities, swelling
and itching of the throat, or a feeling of thirst.
Without any known health problems, this tea helps balance your five
elements and improves your physical well being.
Do try it!
Use: Add the tea bag to a cup of hot water, or for more effectiveness,
if you have time, simmer it in boiling water for two minutes.
Net content: 12 x 1g sachets
The herbs used in Rhododendron Tea are collected from the clean
mountain meadows the Himalaya near Kanchenjunga Mountain, East Nepal.
The ingredients include mint, rhododendron anthopogon, and
glycyrrhiza (liquorice).
Rhododendron anthopogon grows at altitudes of about 4.000 metres
above sea level, and to a height of about one metre tall.
Its pale yellow flowers bloom from late May to mid June.
Sherpas and Tibetans call it the sacred shrub because it gives off
an aromatic scent that is believed to make you happy.
The villagers collect and use its leaves as incense.
In a Buddhist viewpoint, the petals of the rhododendron tree are said
to be the tears of the bodhisattva "Loving Eyes" and sysmbolize the
united compassion of all Buddhas.
Price : 8,00 €